Access Speaking
We welcome you to contact each of our speakers independently regarding their story and availability for your event.
Don Talley
Founder, Access Youth Ministry
Don has served in local and national youth ministry leadership roles for over 36 years. He has traveled to 9 countries and over one million miles sharing his story and his faith in Jesus with thousands of people. Don uses a wheelchair because of his Muscular Dystrophy diagnosis and travels with his wife, Crissie.
Leland Herring
YFC Campus Life & Oasis Church Youth Director
Leland was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when he was 4 years old & given a life expectancy of 14 years but at 28 he received a life saving double lung transplant. Statistically speaking, he was given a 40% chance of surviving up to 5 years, however, 26 years post lung transplant & 16 new diseases (“challenges”) later Leland continues to invest in the lives of students while sharing The Good News. “This life is temporary… the next one is forever. A personal relationship with Christ is everything.”
Cameron Horner
Cameron Horner Ministries
In 2011, at the age of 18, Cameron experienced a tragic diving accident in which he broke his neck and was left permanently paralyzed. Now, from a wheelchair he shares his story of God’s faithfulness to him through his disability. Cameron has shared to all ages in a variety of spaces including radio ministry, four tours around Ireland and in India, along with numerous engagements around the United States.